
本个人信息处理方针是与(株)On Life(以下称为“供方”)官网上输入的个人信息相关的处理方针。



供方在“2. 个人信息的搜集和使用目的”规定的范围内使用用户的个人信息,未经用户同意,不会超出该范围,且原则上不会向外公开用户的个人信息。但不包括下列情况。


A. Cookie的使用目的
通过了解用户访问的服务和网站的使用形态和搜索词、安全登录与否、新闻编辑、用户规模等,旨在为客户提供最优化的信息 。
B. cookie的安装/运营及拒绝
-指定是否允许安装cookie的方法(Internet Explorer)
1 在[工具]菜单选择[internet选项]。
2 点击[个人信息选项卡]。
3 设置[个人信息使用水平]。

6. 个人信息管理责任人及担当联系方式
电话 : +82-70-8222-4000
邮箱 : info@on-life.kr
– 个人纠纷调解委员会 (www.1336.or.kr / +82-1336)
– 信息保护标志认证委员会 (www.eprivacy.or.kr / +82-2-580-0533~4)
– 大检察厅尖端犯罪调查科 (http://www.spo.go.kr / +82-2-3480-2000)
– 警察厅网络恐袭应对中心 (www.ctrc.go.kr / +82-2-392-0330)




Condition of Use

Membership Information

You will become a member upon your agreement with the Condition of Use and the Privacy Policy and entering required information through the [Register] menu. Afterward, you will be able to immediately use all the services without incurring any charge. Once you are logged in after becoming a member, you do not have to enter the various information required for making a purchase. Members can participate in various events for members, including discount events, etc. Your account may be arbitrarily closed if the information you entered when registering as a member, including e-mail and other information, is incorrect.

Purchase Information

The following are the steps for purchasing a product.

  • - Step1 : Search for a product.
  • - Step2 : Add to Cart.
  • - Step3 : Log in with your Member ID or purchase as a nonmember.
  • - Step4 : Complete the order sheet.
  • - Step5 : Select your method of payment and pay.
  • - Step6 : A screen with the message, “Your order has been successfully completed” (with an order number) will appear.

If you are purchasing as a nonmember, please take a note of the order number and approval number (in case of a credit card purchase) from Step 6. (If you are a member, you do not have to manage these numbers because they will be automatically saved.)

Payment Information

Your credit card company may make a confirmation call as a safety measure if you paid a large amount of money. Your order may be arbitrarily put on hold or canceled if your order is considered unusual, such as the use of stolen credit card, the placement of order in other’s name, etc., during the confirmation process. In case of a wire transfer to a virtual account, please wire your payment via computer banking, online banking, telebanking, or at the nearest bank. Payer’s name that was entered during purchase must match the actual payer’s name, and the payment should be wired within seven days. Any unpaid order will be automatically canceled.

Shipping Information

  • - Shipping Method : Parcel delivery service / direct delivery
  • - Shipping Destination : Nationwide, overseas countries
  • - Shipping Cost : To be paid by the customer
  • - Shipping Period : 3–15 days (In case of international shipping, it may vary depending on the country and shipping method.)
  • - Shipping Information :
  •    The product you ordered will be shipped after payment is confirmed.
  •    However, the shipment of the product may be delayed depending on the status of the stock.
  •    You may have to pay an additional fee if the shipping destination is a remote or island area.

Exchange / Return Information

If exchange or return is available :

Within seven days from the date of product delivery (However, exchange/return is not allowed if the value of the product is lost because of damage to the package or if it was opened.)

   - Within 3 months from the date of receipt or within 30 days from the date of recognition if the details of the product or service received is different or if it functioned differently from what was advertised

Exchange or return is not possible for the following cases :

  • If the reason that the product was lost or damaged was due to the customer’s negligence (However, damage to the package to check the contents of the product is not included in this case.)
  •    - If the value of the product is lost because the package was opened or damaged (However, return/exchange because of product defect/malfunction depends on the manufacturer’s standards.)
  •    - If the value of the product is significantly decreased because of customer’s usage or partial consumption
  •    - If the value of the product significantly decreased and resale is impossible because of the lapse of time
  •    - If the package of the replicable product is damaged (Please refer to the Q & A in the Customer Service section for details.)

※ If you are requesting for an exchange or return because you changed your mind, you will have to pay for the all shipping costs, including the shipping cost for returning the product (including cases of color and size change).

Refund Information

Once you request for a refund, your payment will be refunded within three business days after the return is confirmed. If you purchased the product with your credit card, your credit card approval would be canceled to prevent payment. (However, the payment may be processed on the settlement date, and in this case, the credit card company will be refunded when the credit card settlement is requested in the next month.)

Reward Point Information

Period of Use

The reward points from your order will be effective 10 days after the confirmation of delivery.

Condition of Use

The minimum amount of reward points that can be used for purchase is KRW 7,000. The maximum amount of reward points that can be used while using the reward points is KRW 0.

Condition of Disappearance

The reward points accumulated from product purchase will be canceled when your order is canceled and refunded. The reward points will automatically disappear when you close your account. The reward points will automatically disappear when you do not accumulate additional reward points for five years from the final reward point accumulation.

Information Use

The Payment Policy

On Life Ltd.,inc. knows that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly. We will try our best to actively and affectively protect your personal information required by the “law about information network system use promotion and information tutelage” and other relevant regulations. According to personal information handling policy, we provide you here with the information about what actions we take in order to protect your personal information and how we will use your personal information for what purposes.

Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time due to for example, the changes made in relevant laws and regulations and in our internal policy. We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent. We will post any privacy policy changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice including, for certain services, email notification of private policy changes. We will also keep prior versions of this privacy Policy in an archive for your review.

Your use of the site constitutes your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and your consent to the practices it describes.

Article 1. General Rules

  1. 1. Personal information is information which you provide us which personally identifies you, such as your name, date of birth, sex, or other data which can be reasonably linked to such information by On Life Ltd.,inc..
  2. 2. On Life Ltd.,inc. takes protection of your personal information seriously. We follow the “Personal Information Protection Guidelines” enacted by the Ministry of Information and Communication and the “Personal Information Protection Codes” set by the “law about information network system use promotion and information tutelage”. We will let you know where and how your personal information is used and what kind of actions we take in order to protect your personal information.
  3. 3. On Life Ltd.,inc. has this Privacy Policy open on the initial page of the site for your convenient access to it.
  4. 4. On Life Ltd.,inc. establishes the necessary process for the revision of our personal information handling policy in order to provide you with continuous improvement of our Privacy Policy. And we will have a version number for each Privacy Policy so in the future when there is any amendment in our Privacy Policy, you will be able to see where the amendment is made.

Article 2. Your Choices about the On Life Ltd.,inc., Use and Sharing of Your Personal Information

  1. During the registration process on our site, we have made a page with full description about our privacy policy and conditions of use and there you will be given a choice to click either “Agree” button or “Disagree” button. Once you click “Agree” button we consider that you have agreed our information collecting practices described in this private policy.

Article 3. Purpose of Using Cookies

  1. 1. A cookie is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer when you visit a site. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preference and other information.
  2. 2. Just like other websites, On Life Ltd.,inc. also uses cookies. Since cookies store a certain amount of information about you, when you return to the site after logging in, cookies can provide information to the site so that the site remembers you and hence you will not have to go through entering the necessary information about you.
  3. 3. You can choose to have cookies or not. You can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off all cookies. You do this through your browser (e.g. Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer) settings. In case of Internet Explorer, you click “tools>internet option>privacy>privacy settings” and then choose a stage within the boundaries between “accept all cookies” and “turn off all cookies”. If you turn cookies off, you won’t have access to many features that make your experience on the site smoother and you will have to enter in your ID and Password every time you want to get access to certain parts.
  4. 4. We operate cookies for your convenience and information we collect via cookies are limited to your ID only. Cookies expire when you log out the site or close the browser.

Article 4. How We Use and Share the Personally Identifiable Information We Collect

  1. 1. On Life Ltd.,inc. only uses your personal information (i.e. personally identifiable information) we have collected within the boundary set by the Article 5. We will not use the information for the purposes beyond the currently stated purposes and we will not give it to any other organizations or institutions. We share your information with particular third parties only as described below.
  2. - Affiliated Businesses : In order to provide better services, we may provide or share your information with affiliated businesses. In case when we provide or share your information, we will let you know about which affiliated businesses will obtain your information, specifically which information will be provided or shared with others, why they must be provided or shared, how those information will be protected and managed and until when. We will write you email and documentation if necessary to ask for your permission. If you do not agree, we will absolutely not provide or share your information with affiliated businesses. We will also let you know via the same process when there is a change in and/or expiration of the business affiliation.
  3. - Email Address, Phone Number: To secure communication channel to deliver matters of notification, responding to your questions and complaints, and etc. Also to provide information about the promotions, events, new products and services, and other related service communications.
  4. - Entrusted Management: If we need to entrust a third party to handle your information for smooth business management, we will let you know the details about the name of entrusted firm, which part of your information which will be managed by the entrusted firm, the process of entrusted management, the duration of entrustment relationship, etc.
  5. - M&A : If On Life Ltd.,inc. is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, we will continue to ensure the confidentiality of any personal information and give affected users notice before personal information is transferred or become subject to a different privacy policy.
  6. 2. The means to notify the above situation and obtain your consent, we will have a notice page on the initial page of our site at least 10 days beforehand and at the same time we will write you individually the emails asking for your consent. In case of M&A, we will take your explicit consent only.
  7. 3. Cases described below are the exceptions
  8. - We will share your personal information with companies, organizations or individuals outside On Life Ltd.,inc. if we have a good-faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of the information is reasonable necessary to : meet any applicable law, regulation, legal process of enforceable government request; enforce application Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations; detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues; protect against harm to rights, property or safety of On Life Ltd.,inc., our users or the public as required or permitted by law. Same applies when there arises any change in affiliation relationship including the expiration of such relationship. We will notify you about the case and ask for your consent.
  9. - We may share aggregated, non-personally identifiable information publicly and with our partners including advertisers, publishers, or connected sites, and/or research institutions for the purpose of statistics producing and/or academic research.
  10. - Entrusted Management: If we need to entrust a third party to handle your personal information for smooth business management, we will let you know the details about the name of entrusted firm, which part of your information which will be managed by the entrusted firm, the process of entrusted management, the duration of entrustment relationship, etc.
  11. - Even in the above exceptions, however, we will not be able to notify you under the certain laws. We will try our best to ensure that your personal information is used for only the initially stated purposes of collection and use and that your personal information is not overused and/or misused.

Article 5. Ways for You to Access, Modify and Terminate Your Personal Information

  1. You can withdraw your personal information use agreement by withdrawing your On Life Ltd.,inc. membership. To withdraw your On Life Ltd.,inc. membership, you go to “Withdraw Membership” > “My Account” > “Customer Service” center on the site. You can also access and modify your personal information by going to “Personal Information Setting” > “My Account” > “Customer Service”. If you want to handle such process more quickly, you can simply call or email to Customer Service. Once verification process is done, such process will be dealt in a more prompt manner.

    In case where you ask for the correction of errors in your personal information, we will not use or provide your personal information until the correction is complete.

    In case where we have already provided your false personal information to a third party, we will notify the third party and correct the errors without delay.

    On Life Ltd.,inc. will take all the necessary measures to ensure that the withdrawal of your personal information collection consent (On Life Ltd.,inc. membership withdrawal) process to be more convenient for you than the personal information collection process.

Article 6. Storage/Usage Period and Destruction of Your Personal Information

  1. On Life Ltd.,inc. destructs your personal information without delay once the purpose of collecting your personal information is fulfilled. Specific destruction points for each case are described below.
  2. - Information given in the process of On Life Ltd.,inc. member registration : when you withdraw your On Life Ltd.,inc. membership or when you are expelled from On Life Ltd.,inc..
  3. - Information related to payment of price : when your payment is made or when your accounts payable term lapse
  4. - Information related to delivery : when products or services are delivered or provided




